Thursday, February 28, 2019

Amanda D., cover of Landslide


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Amanda is one of those performers that we wish we could clone.  Whenever we book her at a club, the members and staff can't say enough good things about her.  We believe so strongly in Amanda that we think one day her name will be a household name.  We don't say that lightly  and we rarely say that about musicians.  Simply put:  We have that much confidence in her, her work ethic and her talent.  Some clubs have booked her poolside, others have chosen to book her year round in the bar area.

One of the things we love most about Amanda is that she makes each song her own.  What we mean by that is that she takes songs that we have heard hundreds of times before and gives them a spin all her own.  Her songs are covers and she does the arrangements herself.  She, also, composes some of her own material.

In this video we see and hear her singing "Landslide," a song written  by Stevie Nicks .  The song was first featured in the 1975 album simply titled "Fleetwood Mac."  Twenty three years later the song resurfaced in a live reunion album titled "The Dance."

Nicks says she wrote this song while considering going back to school or staying on professionally with Lindsey Buckingham, guitarist for Fleetwood Mac.  Nicks and Buckingham were not getting along at the time and making matters worse, Polydor records had just dropped them. She wrote the song in Aspen, Colorado, while sitting in a friend's living room "looking out at the Rock.y Mountains pondering the avalanche of everything that had come crashing down on us ... at that moment, my life truly felt like a landslide in many ways".

This is the song that is most frequently performed by Fleetwood Mac while on tour.  Except for the Shake the Cage Tour, Stevie Nicks has performed this song on every tour with the band and on her own as a solo artist.  

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